DataSet Record GDS3753: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Skin-derived precursors
Cluster AnalysisGDS3753 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of primary passage neonatal skin-derived precursors (SKP) and Sox2-positive hair follicle dermal cells from which SKPs derive. SKPs and Sox2+ dermal precursors share similar function and transcriptional profile. Results provide insight into potential role of SKPs as adult dermal stem cells.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL6246: [MoGene-1_0-st] Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array [transcript (gene) version]
  • Biernaskie J, Paris M, Morozova O, Fagan BM et al. SKPs derive from hair follicle precursors and exhibit properties of adult dermal stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 2009 Dec 4;5(6):610-23. PMID: 19951689
Reference Series: GSE18690 Sample count: 9
Value type: transformed count Series published: 2009/10/23