Entry - *607910 - KINESIN FAMILY MEMBER 9; KIF9 - OMIM
* 607910


HGNC Approved Gene Symbol: KIF9

Cytogenetic location: 3p21.31     Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 3:47,227,998-47,282,799 (from NCBI)


Cloning and Expression

By yeast 2-hybrid screening using the Ras (190020)-related GTPase GEM (600164) as bait, Piddini et al. (2001) obtained a partial cDNA encoding KIF9 from a phytohemagglutinin-stimulated leukocyte cDNA library. Using the partial human sequence, they cloned a full-length mouse cDNA encoding Kif9 from a brain cDNA library. The deduced 790-amino acid mouse protein contains an N-terminal kinesin domain and a central region predicted to form a coiled-coil structure. The N-terminal motor domain suggests that Kif9 is likely a plus-ended microtubule motor, and the coiled-coil domain suggests that the protein exists as a dimer. Expression of Kif9 was downregulated during embryonic development of the hippocampus. Expression during kidney development was the opposite, being low in embryonic kidney and significantly higher in adult.

Gene Function

By yeast 2-hybrid analysis, Piddini et al. (2001) determined that KIF9 interacts specifically with the core region of GEM. They confirmed the interaction by immunoprecipitation using mouse Kif9 and showed that it was independent of GDP or GTP. Piddini et al. (2001) determined that Gem and Kif9 were expressed in parallel during embryonic development, and both proteins cosedimented with stabilized microtubules. The proteins were not associated with depolymerized microtubules.


The International Radiation Hybrid Mapping Consortium mapped the KIF9 gene to chromosome 3 (stSG47302).


  1. Piddini, E., Schmid, J. A., de Martin, R., Dotti, C. G. The Ras-like GTPase Gem is involved in cell shape remodelling and interacts with the novel kinesin-like protein KIF9. EMBO J. 20: 4076-4087, 2001. [PubMed: 11483511, images, related citations] [Full Text]

Creation Date:
Patricia A. Hartz : 6/24/2003
Edit History:
mgross : 06/24/2003

* 607910


HGNC Approved Gene Symbol: KIF9

Cytogenetic location: 3p21.31     Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 3:47,227,998-47,282,799 (from NCBI)


Cloning and Expression

By yeast 2-hybrid screening using the Ras (190020)-related GTPase GEM (600164) as bait, Piddini et al. (2001) obtained a partial cDNA encoding KIF9 from a phytohemagglutinin-stimulated leukocyte cDNA library. Using the partial human sequence, they cloned a full-length mouse cDNA encoding Kif9 from a brain cDNA library. The deduced 790-amino acid mouse protein contains an N-terminal kinesin domain and a central region predicted to form a coiled-coil structure. The N-terminal motor domain suggests that Kif9 is likely a plus-ended microtubule motor, and the coiled-coil domain suggests that the protein exists as a dimer. Expression of Kif9 was downregulated during embryonic development of the hippocampus. Expression during kidney development was the opposite, being low in embryonic kidney and significantly higher in adult.

Gene Function

By yeast 2-hybrid analysis, Piddini et al. (2001) determined that KIF9 interacts specifically with the core region of GEM. They confirmed the interaction by immunoprecipitation using mouse Kif9 and showed that it was independent of GDP or GTP. Piddini et al. (2001) determined that Gem and Kif9 were expressed in parallel during embryonic development, and both proteins cosedimented with stabilized microtubules. The proteins were not associated with depolymerized microtubules.


The International Radiation Hybrid Mapping Consortium mapped the KIF9 gene to chromosome 3 (stSG47302).


  1. Piddini, E., Schmid, J. A., de Martin, R., Dotti, C. G. The Ras-like GTPase Gem is involved in cell shape remodelling and interacts with the novel kinesin-like protein KIF9. EMBO J. 20: 4076-4087, 2001. [PubMed: 11483511] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1093/emboj/20.15.4076]

Creation Date:
Patricia A. Hartz : 6/24/2003

Edit History:
mgross : 06/24/2003