Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd17185: FERM_F1_KIND3 
FERM (Four.1 protein, Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin) domain, F1 sub-domain, found in kindlin-3 (KIND3)
KIND3, also termed fermitin family homolog 3 (FERMT3), or MIG2-like protein, or Unc-112-related protein 2, is an adaptor protein that expressed primarily in hematopoietic cells. It plays a central role in cell adhesion in hematopoietic cells, and also promotes integrin activation, clustering and outside-in signaling. KIND3, together with talin-1, contributes essentially to the activation of beta2-integrins in neutrophils. In addition, KIND3 interacts with the ribosome and regulates c-Myc expression required for proliferation of chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Mutations in the KIND3 gene cause leukocyte adhesion deficiency type III (LAD III), which is characterized by high susceptibility to infections, spontaneous and episodic bleedings, and osteopetrosis. KIND3 consists of an atypical FERM domain that is made up of F1, F2 and F3 domains, as well as an N-terminal region, which precedes the FERM domain and has been referred to as the F0 domain. This family corresponds to the F1 domain.
PSSM-Id: 340705
Aligned: 4 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 125.749
Created: 16-Dec-2016
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Q86UX7        98 RPVILRLPNRRALRLRASFSqPLFQAVAAICRLLSIRHpEELSLLRAPekkekkkkekepeeelydlskvvlaggvapal 177 human
NP_957198     86 KPLRLGLPNGATLKMRACFSsPVFRCVMGICRVLNIRHpEELSLLRPVeekkkkkdkdsseelydltdvpltagsvqaly 165 zebrafish
XP_007070377  98 KPVRLQLPNRRMIRIHASFSePVFRAVAGICRVLSIRHaEELSLLRAPeekdkkkrkgpvlgteddfdlsgvvlpasaeq 177 green sea turtle
NP_001004882  98 KPVILSLPNQRSLRIRVCFSsTTFSACAEVCKVLGIRYpEELSFLKAPedkekkkkkkdpvtqeifdltslqpsdgsavl 177 western clawed ...
Q86UX7       178 f--rgmpahfsdsaqteacyhmlsrpqpppdplllqRLPRPSSLSDKTQLHSRWLDSSRCLMQQGIkAGDALWLRFKYY 254 human
NP_957198    166 n---gmpahfadspkteavykmlsfslpspapeaiaKLYRPASVVDKTHIHTRWLDSSRSLMQQGIqENDKLWLRFKYY 241 zebrafish
XP_007070377 178 qpfrgmpahfsdsptteacyrmlsvswtglspehvlKMPRPSNLMEKAQINSRWLSSSRSLMQQDVrENEQLWLRFKYY 256 green sea turtle
NP_001004882 178 lqqggipahflaspeaqegyralsvcqtaltpediqKRYKPITVTDKTLIHGRWLNSSKSLMQQGVqEGDRLWLHFKYY 256 western clawed frog
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